MES-системы и эффективное управление производством

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А.И.Балдыков (МРСК Центра и Приволжья): "... вопросы повышения энергоэффективности связаны с темой построения эффективного производства в целом ..."


I.Reshetnikov MES: Strategic Initiative

Book Info

I.Reshetnikov, MES: Strategic Initiative, Moscow, OGSS, 2019, 289 pages

ISBN: 9785990644823
Format: 84x108/32

Language: Russuan

Consultant: Karl Schneebauer, MESA International EMEA (2006-2017).



What is MES today? How to become a market leader and succeed? How not to make a mistake when investing in digitalization of production? These issues are one of the key issues for managers of modern enterprises. The book in a simple and clear form, focusing on quality dependencies without unnecessary technical details, gives answers to them, their relationship with each other, explains what a systematic approach to all levels of management is, how operational management ensures the achievement of strategic goals of the company and what is the true role MES in these processes.

The book discusses the problem of setting goals and organizing the implementation and operation of MES systems for operational production management in the context of the strategic development of the enterprise. The general principles for discrete type enterprises and mechanical engineering, prescription production are considered.

The book is aimed at managers of industrial enterprises, but it will be useful to all specialists in the field of organization and production management, students and graduate students of technical and economic universities, users and developers of ERP and MES software.


Foreword by an Expert


Chapter 1. Management and information

Metrics and indicators.
Management as an information stream.
Information management systems.
MES systems.
The psychology of change.

Chapter 2. MES: management perspective

About the tasks and methods for achieving them
Operational management as an element of strategy
Operational management systems
Tasks, Goals, Metrics
Building an operational management system
Operational Management Complex

Chapter 3. MES: functional view

Corporate Processes and MES
Functional Structure of MES
MES Executive Tasks
MES system landscape
Efficiency and MES

Chapter 4. Conspiracy Theory?

Murphy, Parkinson and others
Herd instinct
Experience and intuition
Games in analogy
Start can not be put off



This book was conceived a long time ago, a very long time ago, but it was only just released. Each time I wanted to sit down for her writing, it seemed that the material was not enough, that there would be no completeness. There is no certainty about it now, but even what has already been accumulated and developed is enough to give a more or less meaningful answer to the question: is MES a tactic or strategy?

For a long time, the form of presentation was not selected: it turned out either very superficially, practically not applicable, or too deeply, already counting on a heterogeneous team. The target audience of the book is business owners, senior management and directors. Therefore, the format of the methodological manual seemed to be optimal, as brief and concise as possible, but giving a coherent, consistent view of the goals, methods and possibilities of using MES as a tool for strategic development. And covering exactly the basic minimum that a manager needs to understand.

Over more than 10 years of continuous work in the field of production automation (implementation, consulting, training), an unambiguous conviction has formed: the main thing in operational management is the right strategy. If it is not, then all development efforts are uncoordinated and no forward movement occurs. Here are the MES systems: if there is no intelligible strategy, then there will be no long-term effect from the introduction, and the short-term will quickly disappear.

At first glance, the idea is quite obvious, but they try not to notice it with all their might. The natural desire to follow the path of least effort wins: to find a beautiful solution on the market, put it on and get the Industry 4.0 enterprise right away. Did not work out? It means that they found the wrong solution, didn’t look for it that way, didn’t choose it that way. And again: let's make a TK and choose according to the TK. Etc. The real effect of such events is usually small.

Top managers all as one nod when they hear that "tactics are determined only by strategy." But then they themselves, all of a sudden, say that “we don’t have a strategy, and let's not spend time on this, but advise some MES system that is worth buying and installing.” We are already, they say, understand what we want. Is it weird? Only at first glance.

In general, the connection between strategy and MES is a very non-obvious thing. And at first glance, it’s definitely imperceptible. If you read books written by developers of MES-class systems, you get the feeling that this is a panacea for all ills, a solution to all problems and the path to unconditional success. Yes, in principle, the way it is. With one small “but”: the enterprise must have a Strategy. Real, thoughtful and doable. Then and only then the operational management tools will be effective.

For this reason, it was decided to start the cycle of books on MES with a book on the correct formulation of tasks and goals, to show that MES is not a local workshop tool for "internal" tasks, but a powerful tool for strategic development. I'd like to hope that this was possible and the book will find its understanding reader.

The book has practically no technical details. In it, first of all, an attempt was made to connect in a single chain all the components of the concept of "efficiency" and show that only with a correctly configured control system can one get a positive effect. So to say, the philosophical foundations of building an operational management system. This is much more important even when choosing a planning algorithm - an error in choosing an algorithm is fraught with a loss of 5% of efficiency, in a management model - 80%.

There is such a very instructive children's joke. At school, the teacher asks: "Children, why didn’t the potatoes grow?" Olya replies: "Bad weather, Marya Ivanovna." Petya answers: "Pests." And only one boy is silent. His teacher asks: "What do you say, Little Johnny?" Little Johnny gloomyly answers: "Because nobody planted it."

This is exactly what happens with control systems. They buy "what is", often choosing a system according to the beauty of the presentation, but they want to get "what is needed." And do not receive. Why? Becasue there is no it in it and never has been. A thoughtful approach to setting goals for some reason is not in honor. And, paradoxically, the more money an enterprise has, the less it is. And this is the main trouble.

If you look at the difference between 1st and 3rd line enterprises, frequently there is no significant difference either in equipment, in personnel qualifications, or in the external environment. But there is a key difference in the fact that 1st line always have a well-thought-out and documented Strategy at all levels: market, operational, personnel, environmental, etc. And not just as a set of formal slogans, but as a real document, according to which they live and develop company. At 3rd line enterprises, alas, no such thing, they "and so understand and know everything." With all the ensuing consequences.

Fortunately, the trend in this issue is positive and understanding is slowly coming. It will, of course, be some more time before the generation of managers who can work on the Strategy and on the Strategy grows, but there is a desire for this and this is encouraging.

Like any monograph, the book you are reading is just one approach to the topic. The book attempts to present MES not as some kind of "program", but as an important component of the management process. It is important to understand that this is not a textbook. The book has many diagrams, tables, but they are not for copying them into your documents. They are maximally simplified so that you can understand their essence, and then do it for yourself already "as it should."

And, finally. In general, to understand the processes of operational management, it is first necessary to study a little “reference” control system - the brain. All managers and managers are urged to start building management and decision-making processes at the enterprise by reading Andrei Kurpatov’s excellent book, Halls of the Mind, and then look for analogies in everything, draw the right conclusions and take the right actions.

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Решетников Игорь

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